Selfies for Fitness Motivation

by Julia Mason



The hardest part of getting fit isn’t completing a workout, it’s maintaining consistency over time. Most people understand that they should be active and maintain a healthy body weight because they know it’s good for them. However, maintaining motivation to work out regularly can be challenging.

The six main types of motivation are motivation by growth, power, social interaction, achievement, consequence, and incentive. Each of these types of motivation work differently for different people. Regardless of what type of motivation drives you, keeping a personal photo log of ‘selfies’ can help maintain the high levels of motivation required to maintain a fit lifestyle. “Selfies for Fitness Motivation” will explore how selfies can motivate fitness by providing a visual baseline and a photo log of their physical transformation. Photos are useful in this aspect because they can be incorporated into whatever form of motivation works best for you.

This exhibition will be located in the Cal Poly Rec Center. Students at Cal Poly are remarkably fitness oriented compared to many parts of the country. However, this exhibition can shift the emphasis of fitness goals away from achieving a certain goal weight and more towards achieving a healthy body image, confidence, and overall wellbeing.

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